Bsd jails

Jails are FreeBSD’s most legendary feature: known to be powerful, tricky to master, and cloaked in decades of dubious lore. Deploying jails calls upon every sysadmin skill you have, and more—but unleashing lightweight virtualization is so worth it.

Most secure email service 2020

Sep 10, 2019 · Next on our list of the best secure email services in 2020 is Proton Mail. It is one of the top secure providers out there right now. If it’s not a name that’s all that familiar to you, don’t worry. They’re a relatively new email service, but that doesn’t mean they don’t take privacy and security of personal data seriously.

Vmware virtual machines

In Specify Virtual Machine Identity modify the machine name and description as required. In Virtual Machine Configuration specify the number of processor and memory settings. In Select Host select a Hyper-V host for placement. In Select Path configure the storage location on the host for the VM files. The default VM paths are listed. In Select

Create your own pandora station

Create Your Own Pandora Stations There are two ways to create a Pandora Station. Type the name of an artist in the Search field and just tap on their Pandora Station. Or, tap Play Pandora Station when you’re listening to a song online or on the app and a new station is created.

Find out what ios version i have

Feb 16, 2019 · This tutorial will show you how to easily find out what version of Mac OS system software is running on a Mac, including what the major release name is as well as the specific version of MacOS system software.

Openvpn topology

On recent versions of pfSense, OpenVPN defaults to subnet topology which uses addresses more efficiently, but if the VPN was configured initially on older versions, or if an older guide was followed, it may still be using net30 topology.

Firefox passwords

Firefox Lockwise lets you securely access the passwords you’ve saved in Firefox from anywhere — even outside of the browser. Features 256-bit encryption and Face/Touch ID.

Access linksys router settings

Jul 04, 2020 · Can't access Linksys router admin page? Try! For the default setting of Linksys routers IP Address is the If you are using Linksys wireless router, the IP address is the address that you must know. is the default address for your router that you have to work with for the first time set up and another set up when using wifi.

Good movie to watch comedy

Jan 28, 2020 · Maybe you both love the intensity of an action movie, or sharing laughs over a raunchy comedy, or perhaps even a dark thriller about an ill-fated couple put to the test by desperate circumstances

Disable chrome addons

To remove / delete the unwanted addons from the Google Chrome, proceed with the following options. Option 1: Right click on the Addon and select Remove from chrome. Option 2: In the chrome menu, select Settings. In the chrome settings page, select Extensions Option 3: In the chrome menu, select Tools → Extensions.